
外婆的澎湖灣英文版?車前石斛2022-01-17 21:01:21


Breeze kissed PengHuWan

Brownsea by beach

No homing drunk setting

Only a sea blue

At the door of the over on ha-ha recall

Also dusk beach with footprints two half-and-half

That‘s my grandmother walked hand gently wan rod

Stepping on dusk to PengHuWan afterglow warm

A footprint is laughter and a string of kill many times

Until the evening engulfed us on the way home

PengHuWan PengHuWan grandmother’s PengHuWan

Many of my childhood fantasies

Sunny beach waves cactus

And an old sea captain

外婆的澎湖灣英文版?積極的快樂的小魚2021-08-16 19:50:42

It‘s “Grandma’s Penghu Bay”, and the white waves chase the beach。